Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Creating Jobs in America

Today’s blog article is not going to be how to search for a job in this present economy. The situation of trying to find employment appears to be worsening instead of getting better. Serious thought is required to turn this situation around when it takes over 1,300 new jobs each month to decrease the unemployment, which now stands at 9.2% and rising. The unemployed are not going to be able to do it, it has to come from the companies who are hiring or need to be hiring and the creation of new businesses in order to solve this problem.

With the Debt Ceiling Bill passed and the government assuring us that we will not go into default on interest payments that are coming due on the Federal Government spending, we need to turn our attention to the real root of the problem! Federal Government has been overspending for a long time now, by both parties (so I am not going to point fingers people!) and we have been living beyond our means as a country.

The American people get it! Many cut up their credit cards a long time ago and are cutting back on purchases and household expenses in an effort to get back to living within their budgets.

America faces the challenge of a lack of jobs. I do not understand how the government figures that the answer to the problems is to start increasing taxes, which of course they say they want to do to anyone earning over $250K per year in order to lower the deficit. This is not the answer Washington!  Your tax base comes from the middle class and right now most of the unemployed are of the middle class. We have to figure out a way to get them back to work. Face the facts, no middle class jobs, no taxes can be paid and this is where the majority of the tax money revenues come from.

Companies are fearful of hiring now with the volatility of the stock market, the expectations of how much the new Obama Health Care plan is going to affect their bottom line and the lack of buying customers, which is reducing their bottom line profits.

At first, I had the idea that it might be wise to suggest to Washington that they gather some of the CEO’s of major companies to have round table discussions and brainstorming ideas on how they think it is possible to get companies to hire and get people back to work. How it would be possible to get new company startups to widen the employment base of companies producing products here at home in the U.S.

However, for real changes to happen, changes must start from the bottom up. There needs to be a movement at local community levels where the business leaders get together and brainstorm on how they can create more businesses and jobs at the local level. When communities work together to improve things for their residents and create growth and prosperity, the tax revenues will increase not only for their community but for their state as well.

I challenge all local communities to set up a “community think tank” on how they can bring jobs and new businesses into their communities. So put on your thinking caps America, it is time to get to the hard work at hand!  Too many of our companies have moved operations overseas, to more cost effective friendly markets and it is up to us to replenish that loss and get America rolling again!

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