Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I want to take time to say thank you to every one of you who drop by my blog to peek in and see what the latest news is. I hope that I have been able to provide you with some good ideas about job hunting, where to look for jobs and information as well as provide you with some inspiration and positive thoughts.

Be thankful for what you have no matter how little it may be. If possible, go out and take advantage of a free meal at one of the local offerings in your community tomorrow. If you do not go to enjoy the meal, helping to serve it is appreciated. I say this for several reasons. You are not alone in being without a job or down on your luck. There are many many people in the same boat as you are!  By being out among others who are unemployed, you will learn to appreciate their fellowship. Who knows, you might just be the inspiring force for someone else.

We all come into each others' lives for a reason, a season and a purpose, either to teach or to be taught. Some we will just cross paths with, while others will stay for a season or a lifetime.

Each of you have a very blessed holiday; share it with family, friends or even strangers, who may eventually become friends. Take the day to reflect, count your blessings. 

                                           Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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