Friday, September 3, 2010

Working at Home - Discipline and Determination

Distractions and interruptions are to be expected but can be minimized when you work from home.
Let your friends, neighbors and grown children that don’t live at home that you do work from home and tell them if you aren’t answering your home phone, the answering machine will catch the call but don’t be offended if you are not available to take their call immediately.

Putting a note on the front door that says you are a day sleeper, “do not ring bell“, will keep people from ringing the door bell or knocking on the door.

Decide how many hours per day you are going to work or how much money you want to earn each day and then work until you have reached that goal. Remember just because you do work at home, you really are entitled to breaks and a lunch time, just like you would in a brick and mortar job. One thing you do need to be aware of is that working at home, at the computer, you do actually have a tendency to sit longer than you should, or world, in a regular office job. You actually are not aware of how often you get up and down when working in a regular brick and mortar office. This can actually be a health hazard, affecting your circulation and your heart so be sure to get up and move around at least every two hours for a minimum of 15 minutes.  This break would be a good time to go throw that load of clothes in the washer or dryer, or do that stack of dishes in the sink.

This brings me to the time management or flexibility of your new job and they really do go hand in hand. Working from home requires you to actually be very disciplined and flexible also. The children are not taking their naps today, you are home alone and no-one there to help care for them. There is no way you are going to be able to have a quiet home to work in. You have to cancel your shifts and just go play with the kids. But you will have to figure out when and where you are going to make up that time lost working, whether it is later in the evening after they go to sleep or on another day.

25 million people are out of work or underemployed just in the US and the figures continue to rise this week. Where and when it will end no one knows. In the meantime, unemployment benefits are running out for those who have been unemployed the longest. There will soon be no government assistance and you are going to have to find a way to take care of yourself and family members if you have a wife and children. Take action now before it is too late. Find something, anything to help bring money into your home.

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