Monday, February 15, 2010

Working A Temporary Job Through Agencies

I just finished reading an article on the Yahoo financial page regarding temporary work  in case you would like to read it. The article states how in other downturns of the economy, as we began to pull out of the slump, companies would hire temporary workers to fill in the gaps and with the idea that they would become permanent employees in a short period of time.

Things are different this time around. Employers are still very concerned about the stability of the economy so if they are hiring temporary personnel, they are keeping them as temporary at this point in time.

It used to be if you worked for a company as a temporary for about three months, you could almost be assured that you were a good match with the company and would be hired on a permanent basis.

Some reasons that companies are hiring on a temporary basis, is that they do not have to match your Social Security and FICA funds, they do not have to offer you health insurance benefits, they do not have to give you vacation time or enroll you in their retirement programs and they don't have to worry about unemployment benefits if they wish to let you go.

Even though they have the additional cost of hiring someone through a temporary personnel employment agency, it is worth it to them to save all the other expenses of a permanent hire.

After reading the article and with my past experience as a personnel officer for temporary employment agencies, I can see how this type of employment is going to be on the increase for many years to come with our present recovery mode of the economy.

If you are out looking for a job, you can look at this in either a positive or negative way.  I hope you will look at it as an excellent opportunity for you to be able to explore new occupations that you may not have considered in the past.

One of the great things about working as a temporary is that you can get out of an assignment if it isn't a good fit, just as well as the company that needed a temporary!

There could be positions available that are only a day in length to those that are months long. The variety of positions available are numerous and your agency will try to match your skills to those positions that are available.

One of the drawbacks is you never know when you will be called for work and that there can be times between jobs where you will not work and you will worry about having income to come in. That is why many people who work as temporaries will sign up with several different agencies in the hopes of having work through one of them at all times.

If you have been unemployed for any length of time and your networking hasn't seemed to be working and you aren't sure about working from home on your own, perhaps this will be an alternative way for you to find some employment.

**** Please let me know if this article was helpful*******

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